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Future-proof your LIFE GOALS!
iWanna Be Protected

iWanna Be Protected

Protect yourself. Get reimbursements for medical and surgical procedures due to accidents and benefits for accidental disabilities and death.

iWanna Save

iWanna Save

Learn how to build your own personalized financial plan that keeps you on track to reach your money goals. We’ll help you get on the right track with a plan that adapts to your financial priorities and achieve your needs for life and health protection, savings, and investment.

iWanna Live Healthier

iWanna Live Healthier

A quick test using our kit will analyze your blood, DNA and lifestyle habits and guide you to reach your goals. We tell you what you need to do and why through actionable tasks such as food plans, workout routines and lifestyle changes. Track your body’s progress as you track your life goals.

Welcome! Be one of the first to book new empowering experiences during iWanna's soft launch starting December 2, 2022. Please check our website regularly as new experiences and schedules are frequently updated. Thank you for being part of the early iWanna community!